A message from our Treasurer Alan BallThe refurbishment project is nearing the end. This is a really exciting time for the club that will set us up for decades to come, so it will be great when it’s finished!
We just need to find the money to fit out the changing rooms and this is where you can help.
If you haven’t donated to the project yet and would like to be remembered for all time in the clubhouse, it would be great if you could be part of the WALL OF SUPPORT initiative.
Wall of support – What to doIf you transfer just £150 to the OCA account you will receive an engraved brick that will be displayed in the clubhouse for all time! Then email Alan (
alanball333@gmail.com) or Jez (
jnc.edu@gmail.com) with your chosen inscription. You can have up to 2 lines with 16 characters in each line. That's all there is to it!
Many thanks.